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Obama May Need Institutionalization

Copyright 2008

     Barack Hussein Obama II, J.D., belongs to a minority group that has long been repressed in American culture. Since the early days of the republic there has been strong censorship of any ideas that originate from this small minority of citizens.

      Despite the fact that several of our founding fathers were actually members of this ethnic minority, bigotry and hatred still exist. Most people mistrust the members of this minority group and almost nobody listens to them or gives them credit for having anything valuable to say. Yes, I'm talking about Intelligent People. They are referred to in the literature as IPs.

     An IP often possesses a perfectly reasonable idea and, in fact, frequently has a superior idea compared to most people. Yet, he or she will routinely be marginated, neglected, insulted, and almost never taken seriously.

     I began to have concerns when Barack made two classic intellectual mistakes. First, he voted to educate kindergarten children about sexual predators.  This makes sense to an intellectual but can be threatening to someone who thinks with their gut. Then, he made an analogy that required a tiny bit of abstract thinking in order to understand.  He said, “The Republicans say they want change. Look...you can put lipstick on a pig; it’s still a pig.”

     To add injury to insult, Barack bowed his head when he saw a television advertisement that said, "Mr. Obama wants comprehensive sex education for kindergarten children and he called Ms. Palin a pig."

      Feeling frustrated and wanting to get away from the presidential race for a while.  He went to a friend's house to watch the Packer's game and left his cell phone at home. His wife was concerned for his mental well being so she contacted the police. The police contacted us at the Levystien Institute for Neglected Intelligent People (LINIP).

     Fortunately, Mr. Obama is OK and says he will rejoin the race as soon as his stomach is healthy. He also said, "Never question my commitment."

     Here at LINIP we are often confronted with the sad case of an individual who tried to make a difference but was destroyed by simple-minded prejudice. We commonly refer to this as the Kerry Condemnation. Should you or anyone you know suffer from Kerry Condemnation, I urge you to call: 1-800-WE B DUMB.

-Levystien 10/23/08
